Feature/Benefit |
Long Wood Tee |
3.0" Perfect-Tee |
Cost |
Initial cost lower |
Cost over multiple hits much lower due to not breaking. Can be big major overall savings to Long Drivers |
Hit Longer |
Standard |
Reports of 20 yards longer to no difference |
Hit Straighter/More Accurate |
Standard |
Reports of dramatic increase in inbounds shots |
Wont break |
Reports of breakage every 1 to 20 shots |
Unbreakable for most golfers and swing speeds |
Adjustable trajectory |
Not adjustable |
18% larger head allows golfer to hit with lower or higher trajectory |
Stability of golf ball on tee |
Wobbly particularly when teed high |
Solid launch pad |
Same Height Every Time |
No difficult to set up |
Arc construction provides same height every time and much easier to set up. |
Set up time/difficulty |
Difficult to set up particularly under pressure of time in contests. |
Major and important improvement for those in competition. Reduces stress and allows more concentration on drive. |
Play with more consistency & confidence |
Standard |
Much improved over wood tee |
Approved by USGA and R & A |
Yes |
Yes |
Susceptibility to Flying |
Less |
Somewhat more due to greater mass. Reduced by retention teeth and when put in all the way to arc and when arch faces green. |