Air Shot - Missing the ball during a swing. |
Backspin - Reverse spin applied to the ball and prevents it from bouncing forward after landing; same as Bite. |
Banana Ball - Slicing the ball such that it curves off into the side in a banana shaped trajectory. |
Bite Reverse spin applied to the ball and prevents it from bouncing forward after landing; same as backspin. |
Blade When the upper part of the ball is struck by the edge of the club face causing it to hug the ground in flight. |
Blade Shot - When a player strikes the ball late in their swing (usually caused by turning too quickly during the swing). The ball travels outside of the target. |
Chile Dip - When the top of the ball is struck by the bottom of the club, causing it to jump straight up and plonk back down. |
Chip - Hitting the ball into the air with enough flight to land on the green and roll across the green towards the hole. |
Chip and Run - A shot played like a chip over a greater distance. |
Chip Shot - A chip with the application of some spin. |
Chunk When the club strikes the ground behind the ball. |
Cut Shot - To put a backspin onto the ball when striking it onto the green causing to stop quicker on impact. |
Draw - To induce topspin onto the ball causing it to move from inside to outside on your swing. Opposite of Face. |
Duck Hook To induce too much topspin onto the ball causing it to move from outside to in on your swing. Normally caused by turning your body too quickly through your swing. |
Fade To induce backspin onto the ball causing it to travel through the air following outside to inside on your swing. Opposite of Draw. |
Fat Shot When the club strikes the ball well behind the ball. |
Grasscutter - A shot which travels low and fast just skimming the grass. |
Hooded Club - Turning the club face slightly inward in order to hook the ball or prevent a slice. |
Hook - To induce topspin onto the ball causing it to move from inside to outside on your swing. Opposite a slice. |
Knockdown Shot A shot played low into the wind. |
Lob Shot - A shot where the ball flies to maximum height and minimum distance, normally used to hit the ball from close range when trying to avoid an obstacle. |
Over Clubbing - To use a club which gives more distance than intended. |
Pitch - To hit the ball high into the air onto the green using a lofted club. |
Pitch and Run - To pitch the ball onto the green causing the ball to roll on impact. |
Pop up - A high shot over a very short distance. |
Pull - When the ball flies in an inward direction after being struck. Not the same as draw/hook as these are shots affected by spin. |
Push When the ball flies in an outward direction after being struck. Not the same as fade/slice as these are shots affected by spin. |
Quarter Shot A shot hit with a significantly reduced swing. |
Quitting on the ball - Slowing your swing down before hitting the ball. |
Run-up - To hit the ball along or close to the ground toward and onto the green. |
Sclaff - When the club strikes the ground well behind the ball. |
Scoop - To scoop the ball into the air rather than to loft it. |
Shank - To strike the ball with the part of the club head where the heel is joined to the shaft. |
Skull - Hitting the ball above its center, thus making it fly very low to the ground. |
Sky - When the club head only just strikes the very bottom of the ball causing it to fly straight up into the area. Normally happens when the ball is on a tee or in the rough. |
Slice To induce too much backspin onto the ball causing it to travel through the air following outside to inside on your swing. Opposite is Hook. |
Snap Hook To severely hook the ball. |
Snipe - To hook the ball such that it drops quickly. |
Thin Shot - To strike the ball above its center causing it to skip and bounce along the ground rather than rise through the air. |